Laser Hair Removal Update

Three quarters of my way through my laser hair removal that the Wife ordered. She chose the amount and shape of the hair to be retained. She’s contemplating asking for the last 2 sessions to be the whole lot again so the remaining hair is thinner. I shall obviously do what she requests.

6 of 8 sessions done

3 thoughts on “Laser Hair Removal Update

  1. Looks good. I have often had a complete waxing. Love the look and feel after. I don’t mind the pain either especially when it is well done. Does Lazer hurt? Does anything grow back after. I like waving as I can have it and it reverses according to mood and style but sometimes you just wish you’d had it done sooner


    1. It doesn’t hurt much at all. Waxing the hair still grows back. Laser, in some places the hair is completely gone, in others there is a tiny tiny little bit of very very wispy hair that I shave off once a week. The whole area is super smooth with no stubble. Mistress ordered me to have it done so I had no choice. Now it’s done I’ll buy a home laser to keep any odd hairs away.


  2. The result looks amazing, my Mistress has ordered the same, only complete hairless from front to the back. Will start in 2 weeks. I love your blog, please keep posting.


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