Male Hollywood Wax

The Wife isn’t the biggest fan of lots of body hair on a man. As a consequence I keep everything well trimmed with a weekly trim. But an offhand comment looks like it means a trip to the Beauty Salon for a Hollywood wax. All I happened to say was that trimming every week was a bit of a pain. The Wife retorted with – “you should get it waxed, you won’t have to trim it for a few weeks and while you’re there why don’t you get everything done”. This came as a bit of a shock to me but the Wife also pointed out that she has to get waxed on my behalf so the least I could do was to get it done for her. Not much I could say to that so my fate was sealed.

The prospect of having all the hair on my genitals ripped out at the root is daunting, it’s going to hurt right? Not only that, it’s the indignity of the whole operation, some stranger manhandling your todger to get those pesky hairs out and then having to shuffle onto all fours to get at your crack hairs. What have I let myself in for.

I’ve made an appointment in two weeks time on the advice of the beauty technician, this is to let the hair grow to a decent length as I’d only just given them a trim. In the meantime I’m not allowed to trim.

I’ll update you after the pain has subsided.

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